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Rhowch le i'ch casgliadau...

Y cwyn a glywir droeon yw fod 'gormod o lyfrau yn y tŷ 'ma', gan sôn fod y stafell sbâr lawn bocsys. Ond, onid gwell o lawer fyddai eu tynnu o grombil y bocsys tywyll a'u gosod i bawb gael eu gweld?

Mae Pedair Cainc wedi dylunio ac adeiladu llu o silffoedd o bob siâp, gan gynnig cartref i lyfrau, LPs, lluniau, dogfennau swyddfa, ayyb. Mae cyfres o silffoedd yn gyfle i roi trefn ar y casgliadau hyn, yn troi pentwr blêr o lyfrau yn lyfrgell chwaethus.

Yn bur aml, mae cesys llyfrau a brynwyd gan y 'siop fawr las' yn gwneud y tro ond dim mwy na hynny. Ond, mae Pedair Cainc yn adeiladu silffoedd yn union at eich hangen. Gallwn wneud yn fawr o bob modfedd o wal neu alcof, ac adeiladu uned all gyrraedd y to phe ddymunwch hynny.

Display your collections

A common complaint made is 'there are to many books in this house', and how the spare bedroom's used up by of boxes full of books. But, rather than keeping them hidden, wouldn't it be better to put them out on display for everyone to see? 

Pedair Cainc has designed and built a variety of shelves, of all shapes and sizes, offering a home for family photos, books, LPs, office documents, etc. Shelves offer and order to such collections, turning a pile of books into a functional library for instance.


Often, the shelving units bought from the 'great big blue company' are a will do for now option. However, Pedair Cainc will build your shelves bespoke to your exact needs. We can make the most of every inch of the wall or alcove, and build an unit all the way to the roof if needed.

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