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O'r goedwig i'r cartref

Mae hi'n anodd curo darn o ddodrefn derw, mae ryw gyfoeth a chyswllt â natur a hanes rywsut yn perthyn iddynt. Gellir deimlo graen yr oesoedd yn ysgafn drwy'r cwyr, teimlad sy'n pery cryn wefr i rywun. Mae Pedair Cainc wedi adeiladu ystod eang o ddodrefn cain i'r cartref, gan blethu pren cynhenid, dulliau traddodiadol a chwaeth heddiw i greu darnau unigryw o ddodrefn i gwsmeriaid.

Penderfynir nifer gomisiynu dodrefnyn cain gan fe'i ystyrir yn ddodrefnyn go arbennig ac yn rywbeth y gellir ei gyflwyno fel anrheg, neu ei basio ymlaen i'r cenhedlaeth nesaf. 'Rydym yn hoff iawn o ddodrefn Cymreig cyntefig, a mae gwedd syml ond trawiadol y dodrefn hynny yn bur aml yn llwyddo i bontio'r traddodiadol a modern yn gwbl hyfryd.

Wrth adeiladu dodrefn o'r math, byddwn yn astudio graen pob darn o bren, yn defnyddio amryw o dechnegau trin coed traddodiadol, ac fe welwch y llafur cariad hwnnw yn y darn gorffenedig.


From the woods to your home

It's hard to beat a piece of oak furniture, there's a richness within, and a strong connection o history and nature. You can feel the centuries of grain raising gently through the finish, a feeling that's like no other. Pedair Cainc has built a variety of fine pieces of furniture for the home, blending native timbers, traditional techniques and today's tastes to create unique pieces for customers.

Many decide to commission a  fine piece of furniture as they have that special feel to them, are considered 'furniture for life' and could be given as a gift or handed to the next generation. We're really fond of primitive Welsh furniture, and their simple, but yet clean lines and angles creates a beautiful bridge between the crafts of yesteryear and today's style and trends.

Whilst building finer furniture, we'll study the grain in every piece of timber, and use a mix of traditional woodworking techniques, and we hope to reflect this passion in each finished piece of furniture.

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