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Mae Pedair Cainc yn adeiladu a gosod ystod dra amrywiol o waith coed o amgylch cartrefi ac wedi derbyn comisiynau o dros Gymru ben baladr. Mae'r cwmni erbyn hyn yn canolbwyntio ar ddylunio dodrefn wedi eu gosod a dodrefn cywrain, ac hynny yn unol at ofynion y cwsmer.

O'r sgwrs cyntaf i'r côt olaf o baent neu farnais, byddem mewn cyswllt cyson â'r cwsmer er mwyn sicrhau fod y llun hwnnw sydd ganddynt yn troi a throi yn y pen yn cael ei wireddu. Byddem yn trafod holl agweddau pob darn o waith gyda'r cwsmer, o'i faint i'w wedd a dyluniad, o'r pren i'r gorffeniad.

Mae rhestr hirfaith o ddodrefn wedi eu hadeiladu ers 2017, ac yn eu mysg, mae:

  • silffoedd llyfrau o bob maint,

  • cypyrddau dillad,

  • cabinets alcof,

  • canllaw i'r grisiau,

  • storfa dan staer (sbensh i bobl Blaenau),

  • desgiau,

  • byrddau,

  • meinciau a chadeiriau,

  • silffoedd i ganolfan Yr Ysgwrn, Trawsfynydd,

  • selar win i 2,000 o boteli,

  • Cadair Eisteddfod Gadeiriol Caerdydd 2021,

  • amryw o grefftau derw Cymreig ac onnen.


Mae casgliad eang o luniau i'w weld yn y ddolen isod.

Pedair Cainc has designed and built a variety of carpentry work and pieces of furniture in homes across Wales. The company primarily concentrates on building furniture, both alcove/fitted and stand alone furniture, each designed in-house and built bespoke to the customer's exact rquirements.

From the first chat on the phone until the last coat of paint or varnish, I will keep in touch with the customer to make certain that the idea that's been swirling around in one's mind is built. All aspects will be discussed with the customer, from size to design, from timber to finish.

A long list of furniture has been built since 2017, which include:

  • bookshelves of all sizes,

  • wardrobes,

  • alcove cabinets,

  • balustrades,

  • under stair storage,

  • desks,

  • tables,

  • benches and chairs,

  • the visitor centre's shelves at Yr Ysgwrn, Trawsfynydd,

  • wine cellar for 2,000 bottles,

  • the Chair for Eisteddfod Gadeiriol Caerdydd 2021,

  • various crafts made from Welsh oak and ash.

A selection of pictures can be seen by clicking the link below.

Cliciwch YMA i weld archif o'r gwaith       Click HERE to see the gallery

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