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Mae croeso ichi gysylltu â mi i drefnu ymweliad neu thrafod syniadau ar gyfer y math o waith hoffech ei weld yn eich cartref.

Yn ddibynnol ar natur y gwaith, mae Pedair Cainc yn gwasanaethu Cymru gyfan, ond yn bennaf yn Sir Gâr, gorllewin Cymru, gan ymestyn hyd yr M4 draw i Gaerdydd.

Byddaf yn postio negeseuon a lluniau'n reolaidd ar dudalen Facebook, Instagram a Twitter Pedair Cainc, ac yno gwelwch bortffolio cynhwysfawr o waith Pedair Cainc, yn ogystal ag amryw o fyfyrion. Byddaf hefyd yn ysgrifennu hanes ambell dasg draw ar y dudalen blog.

Grangetown, 2018

Grangetown, 2018

You're welcome to get in touch arrange a visit and to discuss the type of work and idea you would like to see in your home.

Depending on he nature of the work, Pedair Cainc works across Wales, but mainly in Carmarthenshire, west Wales, and along the M4 to Cardiff.

Photos of recent works being undertaken and completed can be seen on the Facebook, Instaram and Twitter pages, where there's a large portfolio of past work and some ramblings from the workbench. Also, some more detailed accounts of some tasks can be seen on Pedair Cainc's blog.

Manylion - Details
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