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Gwinllannoedd y byd
mewn un lle

Comisiwn mwyaf Pedair Cainc hyd yn hyn yw'r selar win i gasgliad o 2,000 o boteli o winllannoedd y byd.


Yn ôl adeg haf hirfelyn 2019, cefais alwad ffôn gan Bryn Terfel, roedd yn awyddus imi adeiladu selar win er mwyn storio'i gasgliad o boteli gwin. Roedd yn her a hanner! Dyma'r gwaith mwyaf i adael gweithdy Pedair Cainc hyd yn hyn! Un o'r heriau mwyaf oedd gwneud yn fawr o bob troedfedd o'r waliau. Adeiladwyd popeth i ffitio bob twll a chornel. Yn yr adwy o un ystafell i'r llall, adeiladwyd silffoedd bas er mwyn gosod poteli ar eu hochrau gan redeg efo'r wal, a rac i ddal gwydrau uwchben. Gellir osod 6 potel ym mhob triongl, a'r cesys dwsin o boteli yn yr unedau ar waelod pob rac.

Gwnaed y cyfan o fedw haenog (birch ply) er mwyn manteisio ar ei gryfder, sefydlogrwydd a'i raen deniadol. Gorffenwyd y cyfan â farnais clir.


The wines of the world,
all in one place

To date, Pedair Cainc's biggest commission was a wine cellar for a collection of 2,000 bottles of wine.


In the summer of 2019, I received a phone call from Bryn Terfel, keen on getting a new wine cellar built for his collection of fine wines. A great big old task lay ahead. It's definately the biggest job to pass through the workshop door. The main challenge was to make the most of every inch of every wall, and everything was built bespoke to fit every nook and cranny. In the passage from one room to the next, two sets of shallow shelves were built for bottles to lay parallel to the wall as well as a rack for glasses. 6 bottles can be stored in every triangle and whole cases of wine in the bottom units of each rack.


All was made from birch ply, due to its strength and stability, as well as the attractive grain. All was finished with a clear food-safe and odour-free varnish.

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