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Defnyddiol a chwaethus

Boed yn dŷ Georgaidd, yn fwthyn fferm neu'n dŷ newydd sbon, yma yng ngweithdy Pedair Cainc, dyluniwn ac adeiladwn ddodrefn alcof i weddu steil eich cartref a chyd-fynd â'ch chwaeth.


Mae mwy a mwy o gartrefi yn penderfynu cael cypyrddau a silffoedd wedi eu gosod yn alcofau eu hystafelloedd byw. Mae'n ddewis hynod ymarferol i unrhyw dŷ, gan gynnig lle i storio neu arddangos casgliad o lyfrau a Feinyls/CDs/DVDs, gemau a theganau, neu lluniau o deulu a ffrindiau. Ac law yn llaw â'r ymarferoldeb hwn,  yn cadw elfen o chwaeth a steil, ac yn aml yn creu canolbwynt yn yr ystafell.

Ers 2017, mae Pedair Cainc wedi adeiladu nifer o gypyrddau a silffoedd, yn unol â chwaeth ac anghenion y cwsmer. Byddwn yn dylunio pob cwpwrdd mewn modd ystyrlon er mwyn gwneud yn fawr o'r gofod sydd ar gael tra'n gweddu naws a chymeriad y tŷ.

Stylish and practical

It could be a Georgian terraced house, an old cottage or a newbuild, Pedair Cainc will design and build alcove furniture that will blend and compliment your home and style.

An increasing number of households decide upon having cabinets and shelves installed in their living room's alcoves. It's a practical choice in any house, and offers a designated place to store or display the row of books and the collection of LPs and CDs, games and toys, and those photos of friends and family. Further more, combining this practicality with a touch of style, and often becoming a feature piece in the room.


Since 2017, Pedair Cainc has built many cabinets and shelves, all made bespoke to the customer's wishes. Every cabinet is designed to compliment your home, whilst also making use of every inch of the alcove to maximise potential storage space.

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