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Rhywbeth bach gwahanol

Nid cwmni sy'n canolbwyntio ar gypyrddau a chabinets yn unig ydi Pedair Cainc, mae amryw o brosiectau bach gwahanol wedi croesi mainc y gweithdy.

Un o rinweddau cysylltu â Phedair Cainc yw y bydd modd inni hel a thrafod syniadau am ddodrefn unigryw i'ch cartref. Ymysg y dodrefn a adeiladwyd mae swyddfeydd cartref, silffoedd a chypyrddau pantri, cypyrddau cornel, canllaw grisiau, ac yn y blaen.


Ond hefyd, yn ystod y blynyddoedd diwethaf, mae Pedair Cainc wedi dylunio a chreu sawl eitem gwahanol yn unol â dymuniad y cwsmer, megis y Goriad Seremonïol ar gyfer adeilad Yr Hen Goleg ar gais Prifysgol Aberystwyth. 'Rydym wedi creu amryw o arwyddion gyda rhai wedi eu codi ym mharciau natur Sir Gaerfyrddin, ac eraill yng Nghanolfan Ysgrifennu Tŷ Newydd yn Llanystumdwy.

Something a little different

Pedair Cainc doesn't only concentrate on designing and building wardrobes and cabinets, many other projects are completed on the workbench.

One of the advantages in getting in touch, is we'll be able to share and discuss ideas of other furniture and projects for your home. Amongst the many pieces of furniture built, there have been home offices, larder cupboards and shelves, corner cupboards, bespoke balustrade, etc.


Also, since 2017, Pedair Cainc has designed and created a host of various items on customers' request, such as the Ceremonial Key for Yr Hen Goleg (The Old College), Aberystwyth University's iconic seafront building, and also have created various signage for wildlife parks in Carmarthenshire and Tŷ Newydd Writing Centre in Llanystumdwy.

Hen Goleg Aberystwyth
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